Does partnership cost anything?
YES. It costs a lot of self denial in that you have chosen to look out for your brothers and sisters in the ministry and their needs instead of being distracted by your own. Covenant is a powerful tool that God has instituted in the Body of Christ. This is the most costly part of covenant partnership. As you know that old nature called "SELF" wants to be number one. True Covenant Partnership is God's way of becoming Kingdom focused.
YES. There is another cost that naturally is incurred anytime you send mailings, media, etc. All we ask is a minimal financial gift of $15.00 per month. These monies will help offset the cost of ministry obligations and expenses and will help support Mark Shell Ministries in all facets. Monies will go to the projects deemed most important to keep the ministry GOING AND GROWING. Again, these monthly gifts to the ministry will be tax deductible and a blessing for both your house and Mark Shell Ministries as we do our part building the KINGDOM OF GOD.
From our heart , Mark Shell Ministries thanks you for your kindness, your attention and your help in reaching out to the world for Jesus and building a strong church to win the lost. Thank you for helping us change lives, one thought at a time.