Uncommon Life
The Ancient Anecdote for Life, Health, Significance and Identity
From the author:
This can be your year of restoration for a life of tranquility, health, significance and identity.
This simple act is not a “cure-all” or a magic pill. It is a biblical promise of blessing and an “exchangz” that provides an intimate time each day for relationship with Him.
I encourage you to take my 30-day challenge. Thirty days. Discover the “Uncommon Life: The Ancient Anecdote to Life, Health, Significance and Identity” and why Jesus instructed that this should be part of our lives each day.
Experience a fresh new life as you experience the power of this ancient anecdote.
- Dr. Larry Tolbert
For more information please visit www.communioneveryday.com and www.thegreatexchangz.com
All prices are a suggested donation amount.